mardi 15 juillet 2014

Umrika : We have Evidence that Saquack Hussein has Nuclear Weapons

Umrikans outside the White House in Hollywood
18:24h - Hollywood : The President of Umrika made an astonishing announcement this evening. In an address to the citizens of Umrika, he revealed that striking and reliable evidence came forward that Saquack Hussein had in his possession nuclear weapons of mass destruction.

With this revelation, Umrika has deployed over 500,000 soldiers airborne over Jizan. The Umrikan navy has already changed course and is headed to hit Battastan through the Persian gulf and the gulf of Eden. The Umrikan president assured he would spare no expense if it should mean a nuclear attack.

Squad 202, the Elite Umrikan Special Forces, has also been employed to seek out Saquack.

It is believed by Umrikan intelligence that Saquack has gone underground, however, Saquack reports that he has no weapons of mass destruction or any nuclear arms. He claims that the raids committed in Ad-Damman did not discover any nuclear capabilities.\

The president of Umrika commented "If Saquack has nothing to hide, then why is he himself hiding!"

Evidence that Saquack has nuclear arms has actually come from Donald Duck. Donald, who hid the nuclear weapons in bases around Ad-Damman, came forward in a bid to mend his broken relationship with Umrika. The President of Umrika vowed that Donald's candor was not easy, and that hopefully this is the first piece in the puzzle to bring Umrika and North Battaland closer.

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