mercredi 23 juillet 2014

Marine LeQuac : Battaland Must Enact a Burquaq Ban

After events escalated between Battaland and the forces of Quackmeini in NoBattaLand, Battaleon has been pre-occupied with defending the nation. News of the annexation of NoBattaLand to Quacbec should come as a matter of security.

Marine LeQuac
However, in his absence, Marine LeQuac's racist actions have climbed to new levels. Marine has held several rallies and is gathering considerable support against the geese refugees within the country. Apparently, there are a lot of Quacbecois with anti-geese views. And with Marine leading the way, they are chiming in.

The newest measure from Marine is for the parliament to enact a ban on the Burquaq. The Burquaq is a lavender scarf, which female geese wear. It is part of the traditional clothes as worn by geese.

Marine LeQuac claims it is a cultural thing. She states that ducks in Quacbec are not used to seeing women in a burquaq and it makes them very uncomfortable. She states that in Londonistan, the fashions of Quacbec are unacceptable, so it is just a respectful difference.

Traditional Burquaq as Worn by Geese
However many geese, and ducks alike, find Marine's actions to be far too aggressive. "Look," began one anonymous quacbecois, "Quacbec is a city of liberty. How can we defend that if we have a ban on what we can wear? This is fascism."

There has started to be a minor group publicly protesting against the actions of Marine LeQuac. They consist of a group mainly comprised of academics, ethnically comprised of both ducks and geese.

"Pfff! They are traitors to Quacbec," torted Marine, "They know nothing of our own rich heritage and beautiful city."

Marine's family was once linked to the monarchy of Battalouis XVI, however she has represented the 4th District of Quacbec in the Parliament since 2002 as part of the EN-UF political party. A right-winged pro-Quacbec party in the government.

There is now a great amount of discussion in Quacbec that Marine LeQuac will oppose Battaleon in the upcoming elections later this year.

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