lundi 14 juillet 2014

Battaleon - The Speech You Didn't Want to Miss!

In a week, the southern border of Battaland drastically changed. And in only hours, North Battaland initiated a war with the new regime of Saquack Hussein. Faced with attack over the air space of Battaland, where Donald fired rockets into the domain of Londonistan, Battaleon has come forward with an official address. One that shocked our nation and the world: 

"Fellow citizens of Battaland. In the midst of the recent outbreak, I have been criticized for not making a comment. This is, of course, because it is not every day that a coup ensues in one of our neighboring countries.

It has been my duty to examine the facts, and I have found that we shall not proceed with any measure to aid Saquack Hussein.

The CIQuack has presented me with a report, revealing that Saquack Hussein's coup was funded by one of three major Petroleum companies from Umrika -- Exxon. In fact, back in March, Saquack came to Hollywood to accept silent bids from each Petroleum company under the promise that all three would receive a piece of Sw3anian oil reserves for keeping secrecy and the largest bidder would obtain control of 70% of the petroleum reserves.

Exxon bid $1.2 billion for the project, and inadvertedly funded the coup of Saquack and establishment of Battastan. For the last three months, Saquack has been building up armies of mercenaries and garnishing support among fellow generals to orchestrate this coup and coming to power.

Not only have I recieved reports from the CIQuack, but King Abdel-Aziz Al-Sw3anoud has not fled to Monaco or Switzerland. He fled to Quacbec and is under protection by the secret police here. 

According to Abdel-Aziz, the locations of Donald Duck's secret terrorist training bases in the Al-Damman region of Sw3ania were known to exist but only the military had an idea of the exact locations. Saquack has been using this information to blackmail Donald. Saquack has allowed for Donald to bomb the cities of Sw3ania/Battastan and let several die in order to extort North Battaland.

Saquack, you will find no ally among the citizens of Battaland or in the government of Battaleon!"

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