mardi 22 juillet 2014

Is the Dream to Modernize Londonistan Dead?

There had of course been tensions long ago, but most problems were not revisited until recently. One of the outcomes of the secular leader, Saquack Hussein, was a vicious attack against illegal militant terrorist bases controlled by Donald near Ad-Damman. This led to a radical change in state relationships with more primitive and religious nomadic geese in the East. The geese retaliated, and after Umrika took out Saquack Hussein, two prominent militant groups of geese took over Battastan and Ali Quackmeini assumed the position of government head in Londonistan.

After 30 years without progress, Battaland declined while the world progressed. With the ascension of Saquack Hussein, there was finally a spark of hope that Londonistan could become a first world city.

A man of the world, and internationally connected, Saquack put aside ethnic and religious boundaries. He focused on promoting a government representative of the citizens. He also wanted to see Battastan enter the 21st century. Under Saquack Hussein, science saw a brief but heavy investment.

Academics of Londonistan gathered and began talking on plans to modernize the country. This included the building of a highway system, and the industrialization of the petroleum reserves in the south. Battastan has a vast amount of untapped petroleum, which is very valuable to the world --especially Umrika.

But right now, things have taken a sharp turn for the worst. The academics of Londonistan are under persecution. Not only for having had political presence, or for their ideas of modernization, but also for being atheists. Further more, ducks are being persecuted all over the city by the newly established police force of geese.

Many have already fled to Quacbec and Hollywood, but many more have yet to flee persecution. In Ayatollah Quackmeini's Londonistan, it is a crime to practice any religion or tradition besides that of Gees3a 3ali. The followers of the goose named 3ali. This has long been the tradition of all the geese of this land.

This is also not to say that all geese follow such a strict interpretation. There are many geese practicing the old traditions, or even atheist geese, that live in Londonistan and have had peaceful relations for generations. Many geese stood as respectful members of society, equal to the ducks who live there.

Dr. Mallardmud Al-Quackari is one such academic who fled for his life to Hollywood. A long time activist for progression in Sw3ania --now Battastan-- Al-Quackari has stood firmly as a man of peace. "I have always been a proponent of peaceful change, but there is no definition of the word 'peace' in the Londonistan of Quackmeini. There is no definition of the word 'progress' with the Aytollah. And there is no definition of the word 'opinion' with the Ayatollah."

Dr. Mallardmud Al-Quackari has accepted an offer as honorary chair of the University of Hollywood's Foreign Studies department. He having received his PhD from the university in 1979.

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