mercredi 23 juillet 2014

King Mohammed VI Meets With King Abdullah on Haj

Two Kings - One Room
While on pilgrimage in Mecca, King Mohammed VI took the time to meet with his counterpart and peer, Abdullah, King of Saudi Arabia. The two met for a brief time within one of the palaces of Abdullah. The two monarchs have met several times over the past, and have built a friendship together over the years.

King Abdullah was excited to graciously offer King Mohammed VI tea that he had prepared and imported from Morocco. It is both a Saudi and Moroccan custom to offer tea for visitors. The two first discussed the German victory in the world cup, and laterally moved on to more impending issues within the Middle East.

Apparently, the rise of Da3ch in Iraq and Syria was of high concern. Both King Abdullah and Mohammed VI were outlined by ISIS (Da3ch) for their opposition. Even though both kings and the group located in the El-Chams region are Sunni, there is still great division and criticism between the power and corruption accused towards these men.

Corruption is in every government. But both monarchs care deeply for their people -- even the ones not representative of their own faiths. Saudi Arabia opens its great baab to millions of people a year on pilgrimage. The kingdom offers free healthcare and education. Morocco offers both forms of these programs as well.

The two parted ways at the end of a long night, and pledged to meet soon to continue discussions on the tragic events going on within the El-Chams region of the world.

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