mercredi 9 juillet 2014

Breaking News - ISIS Invasion of Battaland Thwarted! Battaleon is Victorious

At 4:02 rockets came from the direction of no-man's land into the border of Battaland, only 100 kilometers from Quacbec. The BBC and CNN both reported that Battaland was oppressing the poor and innocent inhabitants of no-man's land, the parcel located between Battaland and Sw3ania. CNN and the BBC posted pictures from Syria, Iraq, and colorized pictures of Hiroshima from the 1945 WWII bombing claiming "This is how abusive Battaland is!"
BBC Image claiming to be Battaleon's Response to ISIS 

However, Battaleon was not going to be swayed by these lies. He took swift action to save the lives of the ducks in the 3rd Battalion, and mobilized Central Battaland Airforce (CBA) to bomb ISIS from the air. The attacks were successful. The ISIS insurgents were stopped and annihilated.

Actual Image of Battaleon's Response to ISIS
At this time, logistics are investigating the group. Weapons were mostly Russian made Kalashnikov rifles, a popular arm sold throughout the world -- not just the Middle East. Most of the remains can be identified to extremists from Syria and Iraq.

The CIQuack has released a report stating that Donald Duck, through an intermediary, hired 200-210 ISIS soldiers from Iraq and Syria. He armed them, and transported them to Sw3ania -- which is notorious for having low security. It is believed that, since the 1980s, Donald has built several military training bases on Sw3ania unbeknownst to the government there.

It is being released that since the 1980s, when North Battaland made several dramatic escalations and tested a missile off the coast of Pyongquack, the CIQuack has been observing North Battaland's push for nuclear and chemical weapons. The United States of Umrika has been adamant about keeping such arms out of Donald -- whom they deem to be officially insane. This could be a good time to bulk up alliances between Battaland and Umrika.

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