mardi 15 juillet 2014

Is Donald Preparing for an All-Out War?

Donald & High Command
After Saquack Hussein mobilized an armored tank division and mercilessly took down terrorist bases managed illegally by Donald in the caves near Al-Damman, rocket fire stopped entirely from North Battaland.

Umrika pulled out and ceased any further help for Saquack, and Battaleon announced neutrality in the conflict with vehement opposition to Saquack. This not only leveled the ballpark between Donald and Saquack, but Donald has a known arsenal consisting of small nuclear weapons. While Battastan is a much larger country, and able to conceal much in an arid desert, it is nearly fifty years backwards and lacks all capacity to build up a nuclear site.

While known for his unpredictable behavior and explosive attitude, there has been no further comment from Donald or his general staff. Furthermore, no rockets or attack has been set out by the reclusive dictator. The last known or quoted plan was that he [Donald] would get revenge on Saquack.

In these hot times of war, it is most appreciated when moments of silence come. But in a world where dictators have nuclear arsenals and armies of high speed armored tanks...tranquility is only the passing moment before the storm

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