mardi 8 juillet 2014

ISIS Makes Formal Demand from Battaland

After an astonishing YouTube video from ISIS went viral in Battaland after pledging attacks, the Emperor Battaleon addressed our nation with assurances against this threatening group. Only minutes after Battaleon pledged his assurances, and to strengthen the border between no-man's land and Battaland, ISIS posted a video response.
ISIS Leader Quackeed Al-Zahbatta
In this video, group leader Quackeed Al-Zahbatta firmly announced his respect for the military career of Battaleon and his rise against Battalouis. However, he denounced the way of life in Battaland. Too much corn, flouss and not enough focus on religion.

But then the niceties subsided. Al-Zahbatta spoke fervently against Battaland and called for its destruction. He urged Battaleon to stand with him in cleansing Battaland from secular and scientific items.

"The world is flat. This comes from the great wise battas who lived long ago. It is haram for science to suggest otherwise! Any Batta who believe that the Earth is round or any other shape of conspiracy shall perish"

Another matter, regarding tolerance was addressed by Al-Zahbatta; "Quacbec is intolerant for religious batta. Epic haram! You allow female batta not to wear burqa and this is offend eyes of religious batta. You must enforce that all female batta wear burqa, regardless of religion, because we cannot accept city that refuse this."

Battaleon, a man of science and liberty stated in response on his twitter that "1. The Earth is Round and 2. Female Batta may wear what they wish." Battaleon has prepared at the border of no-batta land to meet with expected invasion force.

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