mardi 15 juillet 2014

ISIS Meets Its Match

Haji Jawd Al-Talabwi (Il-Ha9)
The future of Iraq may lie in the hands of two men. One who is Chi3a. Another who is Sunni. Both men have risen forth as the unquestioned leader of a dominant militia group practicing its own autonomy and freedom fighting.

Haji Jawd Al-Talabwi, the Chi3a leader, has had all he can take from the brutal and merciless tactics of the Wahabist ISIS. Al-Talabwi has seen villages burned, children raped and men beheaded all because of the fact that they are Chi3a.

It is not enough that Saddam Hussein was brutal for over 30 years to the Iraqi Chi3a, nor is it enough that during the Iran-Iraq war many Iraqi Chi3a were slain in the crossfire and mortars from Iran. Now, as the Chi3a led Al-Malaki government is collapsing, Iraq has to stand on its own two feet.

Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi (ISIS)

But it just might be that the left and right foot do not want to walk the same way. Al-Baghdadi has taken control of the united Kalifate that he has created across Syria and Iraq. Things are not ending as he expands where his hand holds firm in the Middle East.

Al-Baghdadi, operating as Kaliph Ibrahim, has pledged to burn down Makka and clean up the city from its sin. 

While the Chi3a group Al-Ha9 has yet to come to the territorial claims as ISIS -- but make no mistake. Officers of Al-Ha9 assure that the ISIS bandits in the north fear their army tremendously.

Iraq, and the struggle for it, hardly new in any history book. Looks to be continuing and meeting with a new stage and a new age of sectarian combat.

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