vendredi 25 juillet 2014

ISIS to Shopkeepers : Mask the Mannequins or Else

As the Iraqi parliament welcomed a new president, the country still suffers under the impending and increasing wrath of ISIS. The newest development is against commerce and shop keepers.
Image: Mannequins with their faces covered are displayed in a shop window in central Mosul
Mannequins - Masked
ISIS has issued that all shops displaying clothing must veil their mannequins. Some immediately jump to the claim that this is Charia --- but that is not to be trusted.

Any movement attempting to take over a country will practice tactics to control and manipulate people. There is nothing in Charia, mainstream Charia, that demands a mannequin should be covered. But, to see a row of shops submitting to the orders of a new power is power in itself. 

As shop keepers are forced to succumb to the changes of a pending new authority, the authority --de facto -- establishes itself as the legitimate authority.

These sort of tactics to control people has yet still a further bonus. The shops that do not cover their mannequins will be assuredly identified as defiant to the regime and not submissive. In the militant hand of Da3ch (ISIS) this will clearly identify shops that do not carry unto them the sort of people that will comply to their rule and new government.

May Iraq be in the hands of a strong ruling body that cares for its people, whether divided into a Kurdic and Arab state or not.

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