mardi 29 juillet 2014

Umrika Secures Vancouver Line As War Worsens

Marine LeQuac secured her annexation of Canarda, much to the dismay and chagrin of the international community. Umrika quickly amassed an army at the lines of the Canarda-Umrika border and has fortified the city. The UN issued the following statement:

"We highly think that Marine LeQuac should stop what she is doing. Her tanks are transmitting too much gas into the O-Zone layer" -- the UN

The city of Vancouver has established an independent government and is now acting as representative of Canarda. The Umrika army immediately came to the aid of the city and is likely to move deep into Canarda to meet with Toronto on both sides and reclaim it for Quacbec.

The Grande Army of Marine LeQuac has been further advancing across now conquered Canarda. It is unclear, but expected, that Marine will attempt an attack on Hollywood. Should the Umrikan capital fall to Marine, there is very little hope that Umrika will stand as a viable opponent to Battaland.

Marine Annexes Canarda
The other two logical targets are Vancouver -- the new, yet weak, capital of Canarda -- and Alamo City in Umrika. However, these targets are only logical if Marine is seeking to expand Battaland.

In an address this morning Marine said that she will see to the destruction and dismantling of Toronto. "As part of the next phase of Jour Nouveau, we must take a close examination of Toronto. We must see to it that Toronto remain primitive for the next one-hundred years. I shall accomplish this by disintegrating and demolishing the city. And we shall confiscate all the luxuries for us, the Quacbecois!"

Marine has begun bombing factories located in the city, as well as sinking bridges. She has also ordered the bank vaults confiscated and gold shipments have been on their way to Quacbec.

The museums have also been raided by Marine, who has taken some of the fine artwork back to Quacbec for the king and citizens there. One of the looted paintings includes Canarda's most famous one ---La Giaquacda.

La Giaquacda, known popularly as the Mouna Quacsa, was painted by the famous Italish artist known as Leonardo Quacvinci in the 1500s. It was said to be his best work, and one that the painter carried with him across all his journeys. It was a gift to Henzollen Castle and the Imperial House of Canarda in the 1730s, and in the 1880s the painting was moved to a fine art museum in Toronto for all the citizens to see it.
Mouna Quacsa - Leonardo Quacvinci

The painting is described as having a mysterious aspect to it. Perhaps a secret. It is thought that the Mouna Quacsa is hiding something, or is looking at something in particular. Perhaps of great significance to history.

Battalouis XVIII rejoiced at having this famous work adorning itself in his palace, Versailles, in Quacbec.

Marine has also begun to fire rockets at the aircraft carriers in the Atlantic ocean near Battaland. She has been fighting to keep trade flowing with the St. Laurent river.

The Umrikan army just experienced a skirmish near Battarouge, shifting efforts from a secession movement to focusing on the war with Battaland. There is silence coming from Battastan as well as North Battaland. The latter of which having a new leader for the first time in over 70 years!

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