lundi 21 juillet 2014

Iraq's Christians Receive Ultimatum

Iraqi Monastery 
ISIS leadership has made an ultimate for the Christians remaining in Iraq. The communities that have lived on Iraqi soil, before Islam and even the Crusades, have been told it is time to convert, flee or die. Unfortunately, the means to flee Iraq in present condition is not easy. Especially when approaching a people that have timelessly lived generation after generation in Iraq.

The alternative, death is of course not nearly better than leaving behind an entire livelihood. Should they stay, they will die as well as their tradition in Iraq. Should they leave, their traditions in Iraq will die --and what do they therefore have left to live for?

It was not only under the banner of the Crusader Knights of Europe that Christianity spread to Iraq. During the Early Days of Christendom in Rome, Christianity came to Iraq. There is also a significant population in Syria and Egypt descending from this time. When Iraq and Syria became part of the Byzantine Empire, they remained Christian until the conquest of this from Islam.

Baghdad became a capital of Islamic philosophy and strength. Ruling through the period of several dynasties until its fall to the Othmans. Christians within the borders of Iraq remained for centuries -- living alongside the Sunni, Chi3a and Jews of Iraq -- until this very day.

Now there is a change in the air of Iraqi soil. Da3ch, ISIS, is demanding that the Christians either convert, flee, or face mass execution. ISIS took control of a monastery far in Iraq, and has issued its verdict awaiting the response from the Christians of their lands.

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