mardi 22 juillet 2014

Donald Duck to Quackmeini : "Step Down or I Will Nuke You"

Donald's Palace - Pyongquack

08:27h - Pyongquack: Donald Duck made an announcement from his uniquely shaped palace to Ayatollah Ali Quackmeini of Battastan. He told the Ayatollah to step aside and allow the Mujahaquack to step into power. Donald announced that he had nuclear weapons and would fire relentlessly to Londonistan if Quackmeini did not comply.

Quackeed Al-Zahbatta, leader of the Mujahaquack, has been in hiding since Ayatollah Ali Quackmeini and the Mujaquackdin took power in Londonistan. Apparently, and according to sources in the CIQuack, Ayatollah Ali Quackmeini was not supposed to assume absolute power after the Geese conquered Londonistan last week.

In a statement from Battaleon, "Donald is serious and should not be underestimated. We know that he has the technology and tested nuclear missiles in 2007 and in 1981. It has come to the attention of Battaland that he [Donald] funded the Mujahaquack, headed by Quackeed Al-Zahbatta, in their recent coup over Saquack as he has for years. The Mujaquackdin, headed by Ali Quackmeini [Now Ayatollah and leader of the Battastani Theocracy] ha salways been a weaker yet independent militant group."

Apparently, when the Mujahaquack attacked and captured the Umrikan held petroleum fields in southern Battastan, they contracted the Mujaquackdin to invade Londonistan. This of course was under strict orders through Donald Duck, who funded the whole operation. Of course, Ali Quackmeini, having control of Londonistan, took it upon himself to become the new head of government. Out of fear, Al-Zahbatta retreated to the caves of southeast Battastan, a region known for having many Gees3a 3ali.

"Umrika is deeply concerned" said a spokesman for the White House in Hollywood. "Donald is up to his old tricks, and is threatening to destroy Battastan. Do you realize how bad that will be for the world? It will be horrible. All that petroleum will become nuclear active and rendered worthless! Not a dime can be made from petroleum after a nuclear attack. What a waste of gasoline."

Right now, Umrika has been in secret talks with Battaleon in Quacbec. There might be a need to work together and mutually stop Donald from his nearly 70 year reign of terror in the region.

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