mardi 22 juillet 2014

Quacbec - Racism Spikes After Mass Immigration

 Racism in Quacbec
With Londonistan a mess, following two successive coups and under current nuclear threat from Donald Duck in Pyongquack, Battaland has received a surplus of refugees. Including many immigrants that have found their way into Battaland across the border with Battastan in the south.

While initially, refugees included academics and legal Visa holders, the current influx of refugees are filling the streets of Quacbec. Most are homeless, and have a tendency to beg Quacbecois as they walk past for money, food or shelter.

This is greatly interfering with the economy in Battaland -- and Quacbec is not prepared to care for or host these refugees.

"Look, Londonistan is burning," remarked one Quacbecois, "but Battaland should not suffer just because they have a government out of control."

Many places refuse to serve Londonistanis. They will not hire them, or rent apartments to them. The majority live on the street and face a significant degree of racism.

While Battaleon is remaining tolerant towards the refugees, and working to establish refugee communities for them. Others are outspokenly against immigrants in Quacbec. Leading up the opposition is Marine LeQuac. Marine, son of politicial Jean-Marine LeQuac, has taken to gathering ducks in Battaland who strictly oppose immigration.

Marine LeQuac
"We call ourselves EN-UF, and we are going to see the borders of Battaland protected and the immigrant criminals sent back to Londonistan!" Said Marine LeQuac.

Marine has been gathering a coalition, and has made several notions to Battaleon that he must act more towards the preservation of infrastructure among the citizens of Battaland.

Her father, now retired from politics, was actively involved with shaping the Quacbec Parliament during the first collaboration of the Three Estates during the rule of Battalouis XVI. Of course, the LeQuacs being royalists, had lost favor with the citizens of Quacbec during the Reign of Terror when Battalouis XVI was overthrown and beheaded by the Consulate General of Battaland.

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