mardi 29 juillet 2014

Toronto Falls; Marine Refuses to Surrender

Allies Surround Quacbec
After a successful airstrike over Toronto, the Umrikan army and Battaleon entered the bombed out city for emancipation. The EN-UF command surrendered, however, the soldiers of the Grande Army begged to join up with Battaleon and fight with him against Marine LeQuac.

Battaleon accepted their offer, and once again the Grande Army marches under the tri-colour.

Likewise, the army of Vancouver took down the main part of EN-UF forces in Canarda at an area deemed to be "the bulge". Over 30,000 soldiers surrendered to the forces in Vancouver. With Toronto and the countryside under allied control, Canarda has re-established itself and awaits rescue of its beloved Prime Minister Stefan Trumpeter.

Battaleon has been put in command of the Umrikan, Canardic and Grande Army forces to which he navigated through Battaland to Quacbec. Marine has refused to surrender and, in her first address in months, announced that Quacbec would stand and fight until every last bit of luxury burned!

Of course, to Battaleon and the allies, Quacbec is far too beautiful, artistic and luxurious a city to see destroyed. An airstike or bombing is out of the question. "Marine is vicious and clever enough to deceive the people," said Battaleon, "but to her advantage Quacbec is too luxurious a city for anyone to destroy it. We will lose hundreds of years of culture and fine arts."

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