vendredi 11 juillet 2014

She Reigns

Elisabeth Thnani
Elisabeth II, By the Grace of Heaven, Queen of all the British, Defender of the Faith, although not quite Empress of India, is embarking on a fantastic milestone. In just one year and change, Elisabeth II will be the longest ruling monarch of the United Kingdom ---and, the longest reigning female monarch in history. Ever.

Elisabeth has had a long and fruitful rule as monarch, in a time when the world changed drastically and rapidly. Beginning with the fall of fascism, and the rise of the Iron Curtain of Communism, Elisabeth stood by and improved relations with the United States, France, and even Germany.

Elisabeth saw near bankruptcy come to Great Britain, and saw the collapse of the British Empire --and the Birth of the much more financially stable British Commonwealth.

1953 - Penny - 2013
She has had 12 Prime Ministers appointed as heads of the British government, which Victoria had only 10. The first of which being Sir Winston Churchill. Of course, the Commonwealth has other prime ministers as Elisabeth II sits head of the Canadian, Australian, Bermudan and many other governments.

But not everything has been glamorous and filled with parades. 1992, marks a dark and painful year for Elisabeth. Many of her family split up in messy divorces. Scandal was filling the tabloids with rumors and truths belittling her family as a bunch of degenerates.

"Bring it on!" - Camille
Fortunately, Elisabeth stood strong. A pillar of morality. And the country saw what a fine and prominent monarch she was. On the other hand, some things have not changed. While Camille and Charles are in legal pursuits, the family is back in the tabloids. Camille pledges that she will win the Queen's money and is determined to fight her case because of Charles's harassment of her as a Jehovah's Witness.

So now it is a countdown. Who will win and who will outlive who. In the words of Camille to Elisabeth "Bring it on!"   

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