jeudi 24 juillet 2014

Donald Launches Nuclear Rocket

...and it misses Londonistan.

In fact, the rocket fell flat down outside the secret launch site in North Battaland, causing great destruction and fire in Pyongquack. The blast could be felt on the border of Battaland, and smoke could be seen from certain points. According to several photographs taken by reconnaissance planes that flew out from Battarouge, Louisiana. The pictures were first presented to Umrikan intelligence and then shared with the public media to confirm that there was a nuclear rocket malfunction in Pyongquack.

Donald had warned over the last few weeks that he would fire a nuclear warhead at Londonistan, unless Ayatollah Quackmeini would resign his government in favor of the Mujaquackdin.

However, the Ayatollah did not budge and invested resources in a skirmish with Battaleon in NoBattaLand. Apparently, in result of the skirmish and annexation of NoBattaLand by Battaleon, Donald initiated the sequence to fire a weapon into Londonistan.
Nuclear Misfire - Pyongquack

Much against the stated will of Umrika and Battaland (as well as Battastan of course), Donald acted in defiance and impulse. The CIQuack and Umrikan intelligence had no idea of the planned attack, as it has been nearly impossible to penetrate Donald's high command of military generals.

Unfortunately this time, karma won. And Pyongquack experienced a large and unwelcome blast -- followed by the explosion of one of Donald's secret arsenals within North Battaland.

Casualty reports are unknown, but estimated to be high as the area hit is densely populated by citizens. In all of Pyongquack there are 8 doctors, and nearly 400,000 citizens. It is estimated that North Battaland has the worst healthcare system in the world.

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