mardi 29 juillet 2014

The Forgotten War : Louisiana

While Umrika has deployed a military force to liberate Canarda and take down Marine LeQuac and Battalouis XVIII, the citizens of Louisiana have once again been pushed off from the main attention of the media.

The glamorous military campaigns and blockade of the St. Laurent River have taken attention in the last few days. The annexation of Canarda by Marine LeQuac, and the independent declaration of Vancouver have received coverage and attention. However, Louisiana was just recently engulfed in a civil war to declare themselves independent. The casualties and conflict have been turned a blind eye.
Louisianans Mourn Fallen Comrades

After Dave Jefferson announced that Battarouge and all of Louisiana territory seceded themselves from Umrika, Vice President Joe Bidwell responded that the Umrikan government would not allow any province to secede and deployed three aircraft carriers to the Atlantic above Battarouge.

At first, President Jefferson thought this was an intimidation tactic only. However, small aircraft began reconnaissance over Battarouge and eventually bombed the airport --this is the only airport in all of Louisiana. At this point Dave Jefferson announced his outrage and assembled a militia force in precedence of establishing a regular army.
Dave Jefferson - First President of Lousiana

Joe Bidwell, seeing that Dave Jefferson would not give up, then had an invasion force of 5,000 marines land and take to Battarouge. The plan was to capture the city and arrest Dave Jefferson putting an end to the secession.

However, about 45 minutes away from Battarouge, on the lands of a farm known as Manassaw, the marines met with resistance. General Cornwall Jackson who had assembled a militia of Louisianans ambushed the marines.

In a blood bath, 4,300 marines were killed and 600 taken prisoner. Of the Lousiana militia -- consisting of 12,000 men -- 2,603 were killed. General Cornwall Jackson himself was shot in the right arm, but should heal up quickly. He has since been awarded the Medal of Merit and promoted to commander of all the forces of Battarouge.

It was, however, a devastating blow for Louisianans. Battarouge was in mourning for their heroes, however, Umrika turned its attentions out towards the threat of Battaland to the north. It is thought that Marine LeQuack has secretly been sending weapons to Battarouge as a way to defy Umrika.

General Cornwall Jackson
Dave Jefferson stated that he wants no open quarrel but peace with Umrika and Battaland. They are a small country that is just too different to remain part of the Umrikan empire. Joe Bidwell has commented that the matter is "unresolved" however, Dave Jefferson sees Louisiana as an independent country with Battarouge as the capital.

After the battle of Manassaw, the high command of Battarouge and many Louisianans came to pay their respects to the bereaved who fought and died so Louisiana could be independent to self-governance.

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