lundi 28 juillet 2014

Donald Duck : Deceased; Thousands Mourn in Pyongquack

Mourners - Pyongquack
Pyongquack is a city of tears, as the central media announced that Donald Duck -- Supreme Leader, Living Deity, and Perfect Example of All Things has died. As the official spokesman for state media said "Who's never wrong but always right. Who'd never dream of starting a fight. Who was stuck with all the bad luck. Donald Duck. And he gave all his effort to build us a perfect society.

Donald was killed accidentally in a nuclear rocket malfunction last week, in which he was trying to bomb Londonistan in vengeance against Ayatollah Quackmeini for dispelling the Mujahaquack. However, state media has portrayed Donald's death slightly differently:

 "A giant white crane flew down from heaven. The crane, being a mystical bird known not to us, was of course known by the knowledge of Dear Leader, Donald Duck.

Mourners - Pyongquack
The crane bowed before Donald and begged him to accompany him back to his kingdom in the heavens, where a most sinister force was threatening their destruction.

At first, Donald was reluctant. Dear Leader told the crane how important the people of North Battaland were to him and how his work was not finished here. But, after insisting on the importance of the war above, the crane instructed Donald that only one as perfect of him could save the Celestial Kingdom. Donald understood his duty, and accepted his mission with the crane soaring above Pyongquack."

The state has declared a three month period of mourning, where if citizens of Pyongquack do not show their solitude and love for Donald -- they will be executed.

Donald Duck - Mausoleum of Donald
Donald's body has been moved and put on display, forever, in the Pyongquack Mausoleum of Donald. Donald designed the mausoleum as a show piece and exhibit hall to remember his career by, however he closed it down in 1987 --expecting that he would live forever.

Perhaps it was desire, perhaps it was divity, or perhaps it was a heart so cold and evil that he refused to die -- Donald stretched his life to 102 years. One of the founding brothers of McDonald's hamburgers, early cinema star, turned communist despot, dictator, and warlord investing billions within military infrastructure and a nuclear weapons program. Donald made threats to the international community and built up several terrorist bases in which to wage his agenda of world chaos. Now, we see the dear leader put to rest.

As far as an heir is concerned, that would be his great-grandson -- Donald Duck Un. Born in the 1980s, Donald Duck Un will be the youngest leader of any country in the world. Until relatively recently, Donald had been a lone ruler and leader over Pyongquack. However, information has surfaced that he wanted to train his great-grandson into the role and knowledge of leadership in Pyongquack.

Donald Duck Un
Donald outlived his son, who had a son and daughter as grandchildren for him. However, Donald's grand-daughter fled from Pyongquack in the 1980s to Canarda. She is under the witness protection program under maximum security there, as Donald has ruthlessly pledged to take her life.

Most information known about the mysterious Donald and Pyongquack come from his grand-daughter. However, spies and defectors have brought forward information on Pyongquack over the years. It is known that Donald had his grandson killed in 2001, however the reason for this is unknown. Donald Duck Un was the only child of Donald's grandson, and only heir.

There is currently work to acquire further information on Donald Duck Un, and hopes are that he will be more mentally stable than Donald -- or at least less of a nuclear belligerent.

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