mardi 15 juillet 2014

Airport Attacked in Tripoli

While Iraq and Syria are fighting it out, the Libyan airport in Tripoli finds itself attacked by local militia groups. It tends to shy out of public eye too often, but Libya is in a bloody civil war, with multiple factions and a lack of direction. Lawless is possibly the most accurate way to describe a society where the people do what they want --including acting upon the oppression of others.

In Libya today there is a central authority and even an active parliament. However, the authority and scope of this central power is not being enforced. It is not representative of many groups witthin Libya, especially those seeking autonomy.
The wreckage of a truck and an airplane are seen at Tripoli international airport in the Libyan capital on July 14

The attacks on the Libyan airport have been committed by possibly one of two extremist groups, vying for control of Tripoli. The destruction left several people dead and 34 planes damaged.

It is unclear why the airport was of particular interest for the militia groups, or what the intent was of the raid. While several planes were destroyed, these militia groups usually look to establish fear or steal money-producing items, over territorial areas that they claim ownership. All flights due to pass through or land at the Tripoli  airport have been post-poned or cancelled.

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