mardi 8 juillet 2014

Diana - Part II

In an astonishing series of Chouha, the Royal Family public relations committee can no longer hide the secret of the year : Camille wants a divorce!

Apparently, Charles is trying to be the next Henry VIII. He's not even king yet and he has already disposed of 2 women. None beheaded...although one was in a suspicious car crash in Paris. Henry VIII currently holds the record for most divorces amongst the Royal Family, and his record is set at 6. 
Camille, who has been unhappy for a while, has had enough with Charles. And it isn't even the physical abuse that bothers her the most. She reports that the Royal Family has been keeping secrets from the public. Camille candidly revealed ---it's the whole JWitness thing. For two years, Prince Charles has been a member of the Jehovah Witnesses cult. A likened religious body, that just collects dues and fees from members in exchange at a spin at "The Wheel of Salvation"  in order to take a chance spin at one of the 100,000 positions the Jehova Witness LLC offers in Heaven.
Charles apparently got involved with the Jehovah Witnesses when two missionaries went astray on a tour of Buckingham Palace and began knocking on doors. One happened to be a room that Charles was in, and instead of asking for a way out, the JWitnesses began preaching their dogma to him.

Intrigued, Charles signed up for their monthly magazine publication, which is on-sale now 12 issue subscription for $107.99. He then began attending meetings. After fully converting (by pledging his dues of $52.99 a month), Charles began door-to-dooring with British people. 

At first Camille thought it was just a phase, but when Charles kept asking her, day and night, about salvation with the JWitnesses...she began to lose her mind. At first, Camille tried a separation. But it was no good. Charles would phone her up regularly -- asking if she read this month's issue of the Watch Tower.

Charles Inquiring if you read this month's issue of "The Watch Tower"
So Camille turned off her phone. But this only provoked Charles to come knocking at her door at Sandringham House. Camille couldn't take it. For their anniversary, instead of getting flowers or chocolates -- Charles bought her a subscription to the JWitness magazine of Watch Tower.

At long last, Camille demanded a divorce! And she is seeking $300mm for her long, over-drawn sufferings over the past few years of constant bell ringing and phone calls to join and pay dues to the JWitnesses.

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