lundi 14 juillet 2014

North Battaland Opens Fire on Battastan!

Border sensors between Battaland and North Battaland went off only minutes ago and captured footage of long-range rockets flying overhead from North Battaland and headed over to Battastan. Violating air rights and the treaty of non-interference between North Battaland and Battaland, the rockets succesfully flew down passed the border and hit just outside Londonistan.
Rocket from North Battaland
"This is outrages," began Battaland parliamentarian for the opposition, DuQuack; "in less than a week Sw3ania receives a new government and Battaleon says nothing. Now there is rocket fire from North Battaland violating our air ways, and why does Battaleon say nothing!"

Battaland is asking why Battaleon has not spoken out. The opposition in parliament, including the small royalist party, are stating that Battaleon is not properly acquainted with how diplomacy in statehood works. "A king must always be prepared to issue satement," said parliamentarian Phillippe Duc-de-Quaq (Royalist), "perhaps this is too much of a burden on him, and indeed time for Battalouis XVIII to return to his seat."

The shock though is that North Battaland has the capacity and ability to fire long range rockets from it's southern territory into Londonistan. This is something the CIQuack or other intelligence services were not aware of yet.

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