mercredi 3 juillet 2013

Historical Fact You Don't Know

To coins lover !

1285 hegir moroccan coin 
with david star
See that coin? If you guessed that it is Jewish, you’re only partially correct. This is a coin from the late 1800s, minted in MOROCCO. Yes, on all the Moroccan money, was the Star of David. As surprising as this sounds, even more astounding is that Morocco had this symbol on their national flag until 1948.

Now, why is it only partially correct that this coin is Jewish? While today Morocco is a predominantly Sunnite country, at one time there was a thriving Jewish population
When this coin was minted, in the late 1800s, there were over 300,000 Jews living within the mamlukum (kingdom)

Today, remnants of this once thriving population, leave behind many synagogues, Kosher (halal yahud) restaurants, and a population of 3,000

Reported by Ibrahim Abu - Naggar

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