mercredi 3 juillet 2013

Vacation Trepidation You know, the once powerful Western European country with the failing economy? The administration has a natural talent for making financial gaffs, and they just made a huge one this summer. 

The economy of Spain’s small businesses is heavily based on tourism, especially in the summer when tons of European, American and Mediterranean people are expected to visit the peninsular state.

Unfortunately, Spainish policy makers have decided to limit visas issued this season. Small shop owners are outraged as the beaches are less than half full. They were counting on foreign euros, dollars, and dirhams finding their way into the Spanish system. We spoke with furious Moroccan and American tourists who had saved up hundreds of dollars to spend in Spain. Money that will never pump its way into the struggling shop keeper’s pockets in the failing economy:

“It sucks!” said one individual, who wishes to remain anonymous. Her visa was denied because she failed to show enough liquidity in her bank account. “I’m 18 years old, my trip to Spain is a graduation present from my parents. I am 18, it is their money and gift I wasn’t paying.”

Not only did Spanish policy makers drop the ball here. This upset grad’s father and mother both work, and filed taxes for their household in 2012 for $184,000. 

We tried consulting the Spanish consul, but received no reply. Maybe their visa was denied to the US and are looking for a job in Spain (good luck!)

Correspondent Ibrahim Abu al-Naggar reports

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