jeudi 4 juillet 2013

"Austere" Pope?

"It hurts me when I see a priest
or a nun with the latest model car"

-Pope Francis, 2013
The Image of the Vatican's current Pope, Francis, has come across as a man of great austerity and humbleness towards the people. But things are not always as they appear in print.

For his planned vacation to Brazil for on July 23 - 28, the Vatican is demanding Brazil pay an extra $39 Million USD! Already, the largest Catholic country (Brazil) has contributed over $60 Million USD.

Austerity is an image that the Vatican is trying to promote. But we see here that the reality is much different. How can the visit of one man be worth almost $100 Million dollars? Could that money not be better spent bringing food to the thousands of malnourished Catholics across the world? And perhaps non-Catholics as well. We are all human, after all, and all humans must eat to live.

The reason for the Pope's visit is to celebrate "World Youth Day" (yes...the Pope is coming for "World Youth Day"...we're not kidding...warn the kids) amongst the Brazilians. Why not show youth the importance of money by investing in the educations of many, rather than sending this capital off to the Vatican coffers!

Reported by Muammar Hassan

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