dimanche 28 juillet 2013

Bananas Thrown at Italy's First Black Minister

After taking office in April Italy's first black minister, Cecile Kyenge, has been up against racial slurs on a daily basis. But now...has it gone too far? At a rally, Italians started throwing banana peels at the Congolese born politician.

Cecile Kyenge
Outrage ensued, as the crowd began making monkey noises. Causing Cecile to have her bodyguards come on stage. Immediately, she was taking out to her Mercedes and driven back to her residence. No suspects were apprehended, but videos began pouring on youtube.

This is a shame, an outrage. Kyenge's main platform in Italy is to make immigration laws easier. Which upsets many Italians, that have lived and fought for their sovereignty for generations.

Is this any way to portray a government minister?
"Italy is a proud country of tradition," says Giuseppe Bonaro, an Italian citizen. He is upset that so much of the crime in Italy is due to immigrants; in fact over 90% of the murders in Italy that happen each year are responsible by immigrants to the Peninsular nation: "Italy is not a jungle, no one should be making a big deal about a Congo in our government. No one should be looking to change our immigration laws. look at all the problems that France, Netherlands and Denmark are having."

Natalie Visco is quite upset at the incident and sympathizes with Cecile, but disagrees with her message: "Immigration is not the problem, the problem is the majority of immigrants don't respect Italian laws." Visco was robbed at knife point by West African immigrants, after she was working late at the center for immigration naturalization in Rome. She has heard many stories from friends about similar robberies. "The worst is the online scamming. Fake emails and calls to old people regarding a credit card fee. It's disgusting!"

Italy is firm in not changing immigration laws. In Morocco, there's an expression "matnsach aslek" which basically translates to "don't forget your origin" Maybe when deciding to reform ITALIAN immigration laws, Cecile should remember that she's from the Congo. And things are done differently in the Congo. 

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