dimanche 21 juillet 2013

Bombs & Earthquake, Down Under!

It's a part of the world often forgotten, and only because it is so far away. Australia & New Zealand. The two island nations, formerly British Colonies, are now member states of the British Commonwealth. They have their own separate currencies, and governments.

Even though they're relatively nearby, they are surprisingly different in many ways. However, today was an interesting day for both countries.
Wellington, New Zealand

Wellington, the capital city of New Zealand, was struck with a 6.5 magnitude earthquake earlier today. The ground shook and several dozen people are injured. But, no casualties or major destruction reported. It is not close compared to the 11 magnitude earthquake that rendered Japan into paralysis in 2011.

After assessment, there does not seem to be too much to worry about. Even though there were at least 5 after-shocks. Scientists believe that the most damage has been done, and New Zealand is not due for another shocking ground changer for at least a year.

For Australia, off the coast, is the Great Barrier Reef. This magnanimous coral display is home to one of the most beautiful reefs and ocean wildlife in the entire world. Giant manta rays, Tiger sharks, and colorful fish of over 240 different species.

Unfortunately, the United States dropped about 3 bombs over the reef today -accidentally. Destroying the basin after coral has spent the last several hundred years growing there. No word yet from Obama what the plane was doing there. Although, if Snowden was among the coral..he is definitely not going to talk any longer about US government involvement.

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