mardi 23 juillet 2013

How Journalists Are Pirating History

Take a look at this sword hilt recovered from the Queen Anne. A ship, wrecked off the coast of North Carolina, captained by the famous pirate, Blackbeard. It is an amazing find, brass, and pulled up along with 2 large cannons.

The thing is, of the hundreds with Blackbeard, and of the doubtlessly superfluous amount of captured weapons, the media immediately claimed that THIS is Blackbeard's lost sword. Yes, it is beautiful and from the same ship he was on. But to make such a conclusion has no basis.

Journalism. Media. Al-Jazeera. They are all about selling newspapers and advertisements. There is no claim, historically, that identifies this as Blackbeard's sword.

The cool reality is, this is a sword from Blackbeard's ship. This is an intact 300 year old bronze handle, smelted in the New World or brought across the oceans from Europe. This is a discovery, a recovery, and an artifact fit for a museum. But to go so far as to say this is Blackbeard's own sword is far beyond history and well into the world of dishonest journalism (like Al-Jazeera's coverage of Egypt).

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