dimanche 21 juillet 2013

Greece Officially Begins Transitions to Drachma in 2014 - Talks Confirm

That's it. The Euro Dollar has officially begun termination in Greece. The Mediterranean nation will be the first Euro Zone country to remove itself from the Euro.

Antonis Samaras, Prime Minister of Greece since 2012, called together several members of the press and key euro delegates following the visit of Germany's finance minister.

Apparently, the meeting was not to discuss austerity, but to finalize plans on an agreement where Greece would officially leave the Euro Dollar -- almost entirely debt free. Germany has agreed to an interest-only payment plan until 2020, and then a payoff of the principle from 2021 onwards. 10% of the debt was not forgiven, amounting to $93.4 Billion USD.

File:Flickr - Πρωθυπουργός της Ελλάδας - Αντώνης Σαμαράς - Angela Merkel - Επίσκεψη στην Αθήνα (15).jpg
Antonis Samaras
"We're ready" said Samaras, "Greece has seen upheaval and the people want a change. That's why I was elected."

The new drachma will resume value at the old drachma, and begin mintage later this year. The first coins will enter circulation in 2014, and exchange with euros until 2016. After 2016, the euro will no longer be accepted as legal tender in Greece. And so ends the story of the Euro in Greece.

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