mardi 23 juillet 2013

Yesterday's Cold War : Back on the Stove

Not everything was settled when Boris Yeltsin oversaw the fall of the Soviet Union. At least, not with the United States.

One of the final battlegrounds left over from the Cold War was US and Soviet involvement within Syria. The Assad regime imported Russian products; such as cars, televisions, refrigerators & ovens. Russia also sent in lots of weapons, such as the AK-47, tanks, and missiles. This was done in opposition to the United States.

But the United States is not against supplying Arab countries. Actually, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Egypt, Libya, Oman, Yemen, Iraq & Qatar, are all supplied currently as well as historically by the United States. Lebanon had been supplied by the United States as well, but currently Iran overwhelmingly supplies sectarian groups with munitions. The United States regularly sells new fighter planes in the Gulf, an area favorite.

Syria has always been Russia's arm into the Arab world. And in case their influence is doubted, even Cocoa-Cola IS NOT available in Damascus! With recent political changes in 2007, Syria and the United States began friendlier talks with one another. However, with the recent civil war, the situation has completely changed.

While, seemingly, the civil war would prevent talks, it has actually opened up the Assad Regime to foreign options. Bashaar, who has been educated in the UK and speaks English as well as French fluently, has been talking with old enemies -- like the US and EVEN Israel.

Russia, Assad's old ally, has put a strong voice forward in supporting the regime. And in doing so, the United States has decided to bank with the rebel groups. Funding them, and sending over military arms. Could this spark conflict between the US and Russia? Or reignite the Cold War?

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