mercredi 3 juillet 2013

I Quack & They Feed Me

Everyone knows that water loving friendly bird. some call him batta & others call him duck. but how much credit do we give to these significant aquatic birds?

in morocco, ducks can be found at local parks all over. they mate and nest amongst the parks. they wash in the water, especially as the summer strengths in the sky.
and while they go about their lives here, children find fascination with the ducks. young ones, even babies, find amusement and happiness watching the ducks. curious children follow them as they embark into the water. in old age, ducks accompany the old as they sit through the golden years.

scientists believe that ducks are extremely effective in proper development of social behavior in children. children have a natural tendency to copy what they see. The duck allows a child to observe a friendly creature, that moves fast and observes his surroundings carefully. this helps a child develop awareness of his surroundings.
ducks allow a child to develop motor skills for walking. young children will begin to follow ducks. the slow movement of the ducks allow the child to begin walking towards a goal – that cool yellow bird!

in fact, according to one study done in sacremento, california --children that play in duck parks learn to walk & speak 6-8 months before children that do not interact with ducks.

for old citizens, ducks allow an isolated section of society to interact with a friendly animal. the ducks keep him company and allow him to feel that he can communicate. this also benefits the duck himself with free bread!

Correspondent Mansour al-battadou reports

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