jeudi 25 juillet 2013

What do you Get, When you Mix Oprah's Car Give Away + Royal Baby?

You get a Pakistani TV host giving away abandoned babies!

That's right, just now on Prime Time Pakistani TV, a famous talk show host decided to give out free babies to participants. It is still unclear if this is due to the recent royal baby or Oprah's well known car give away to her audience a few years ago.
Bizarre: A prime-time Pakistan TV show is giving away abandoned babies in a desperate fight to win the Ramadam ratings war
And you get a baby - And you get a baby - Everyone gets a baby!

This did not go unnoticed around the world. In fact, a Brazilian TV show host, eager to have the Pope on for an interview, said he will host his own "abandoned child" give away if the Pope will come for an interview. Top Vatican advisers found the gesture very appealing and are currently in talks to arrange a meeting.

For the Pakistanis who received the abandoned babies, a lot was taken to heart. This is Ramadhan, a time of charity and giving. The chance to give a child a whole new life, and lots of happiness is very important to many in the audience, who seized the opportunity to help enrich a life.

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