dimanche 21 juillet 2013

To Obama : Slavery Reparations, Not Good Enough!

Last night, during a dinner in Washington DC for top nationwide members of the African American community, President Obama revealed a new plan finally establishing reparations for slavery in the United States.

African American community leaders celebrated, until the amount was presented. Obama was willing to offer every African American $1500 a month for the next 30 years --as a gift from the American Tax Payers. This would also take place instead of the usual welfare check, an individual could choose the greater of one or the other.

"That's just not good enough" Said Reverend Laronne Jackson. "We voted for Obama because he is black. He knows the issues facing the black family and the black community. This is a slap in the face!"

Historically, African Americans were brought over to America as slaves throughout the 16th, 17th & 18th centuries. They were first brought to the Spanish colonies, for plantation work, then later to North America.

One of the little known facts is, westerners only sold and transported slaves. It was actually common practice in West Africa to capture tribes and enslave them. As well as enslaving criminals. Europeans, mostly Spanish, Dutch & English, came to the West African coast and bought slaves. Then they transported them to the American colonies to be sold.

Slavery ended in West Africa in the early 1900s, between tribes. However, some tribes that are more primitive still keep slaves to this day. Likewise, slavery ended in America in 1865. Although, only half the states had legal slavery --and even then it was only the social elite that owned slaves.

While an estimated 98% of Americans in the Civil War period did not own slaves, African American leaders still demand reparations are paid. The Obama compromise of $1500 is just not good enough, African Americans state.

The real question is. Are Moroccans who have US citizenship entitled to this $1500 pay off? Morocco is in Africa. So aren't we technically 1st generation African Americans? Not 12th generation African Americans? Maybe Moroccan Americans should recieve 12x as much a month?

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