jeudi 4 juillet 2013

Happy Birthday, America!!

America, or Umm Rica, as she is commonly referred to by friends, is celebrating yet another birthday. 237 years ago, on this very day, a group of 56 traitors to the British Crown signed a piece of paper that now sits under maximum security in Washington, DC. At this time, democracy was but a whisper across the world. Iceland, was in fact a democracy, but not on the scope or parameter that the United States was designed for.

These 56 signers came from across the 13 colonies. Some having been born there, others having been born overseas. They belonged to different religious sects, and practiced different professions. Some entered a career of politics, and others not, after the young country was formed. Basically, the only thing these 56 had in common was that they signed this document. Now marking its 237th year.

They proposed a document which decided that man was intrinsically good, and given free will, he will improve his society. Constraining him, will make him an irrational actor and confer problems as his society deprecates. 

They propose all mankind are created equal. Not one is better than the other. But each has his task and set of responsibilities to himself and his society. His society, and ultimately his government, has the responsibility to provide him with the right to life. The right to liberty. And the right to pursue his own happiness. Are these matters evident in our society today?

Unlike common complaints raised within the United States, Americans live in a golden nation! There is a freedom to say anything...of course, if you leak NSA documents the government will come for you. There is a freedom to bear arms...of course, not on any of the local news networks. There is however no quartering of soldiers in ones' home. But enough of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution came at a later date.

Today we discuss the ideas that brought us towards independence as a nation. A proprietor of a small business enters the market and is only successful if he can show that he's 1-a different option. 2-a better option. America is the THIRD most populated country in the world today. Following behind India and China. However, America is not a homogeneous population but a land of immigrants. A land of ideas spanning from one ocean to the other.

Happy Birthday, America! May you continue onwards!

Reported by Muammar Hassan

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