mercredi 26 juin 2013

New Trend Among Old World Leaders

In recent view of Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, and of Pope Benedict XVI, there is a new trend in leaders retiring before their lives end. We now live in a world where not only the king lives well, but an entire echelon of society lives comfortably. And without the burden of power.

So who will be the next leader in 2013 to willingly leave his throne?

Sources around the world say that Cheikh Hamad Al-Thani, of Qatar will be that monarch.Qatar, a small island nation in the Persian Gulf, is known for having the most money as well as LARGEST percentage of population with diabetes on the planet.

With all the recent attention being paid to the Netherlands and Vatican, Qatar will not allow anyone to out step them in the public eye.Therefore, Cheikh Hamad Al-Thani will resign in favor of his son. Which world leader will be next in this trend? 

*Not to be confused with the way Muammar 9addafi & Hosni Mubaraq left power

Correspondent Ibrahim Abu al-Naggar reports

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