mercredi 20 août 2014

Who's Afraid of Da3ch? Not His Majesty!
M6 in Casual Attire - Not Afraid of ISIS
With reports of Da3ch, also known as ISIS, trying to invade Morocco and create turmoil many Moroccans are in a panic.

The army is deployed in Rabat and the intelligence services --with assistance from the CIQuack -- have already disbanded three recruiting centers and gunned down 90 terrorists.

Police are now on every block in Rabat and Casablanca as well, two of the cities most likely to be targeted in event of an attack.

Moroccans are heading to the marchet and collecting groceries in case of lock down, and are hoping that what has happened in Iraq or Syria will not happen here.

Leading the way for our people, his majesty, Mohammed VI, is walking along the street in casual clothes without protocol. No bodyguard. One adviser. And his hand among the people. Tetouan was the lucky city to receive the king, but this is hardly uncommon. His majesty is known for walking around and meeting with the people. Hearing their thoughts and understanding their needs.

Now, with the threat of Da3ch in Morocco, a strong leader is needed. A fearless leader who walks the streets with his people. This is the king, long may he reign.  

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