mardi 19 août 2014

Quackeed Al-Zahbatta Ousted

Muamar Quackdaffi
Only days into his reign over Battastan, and in the company of billionaire Donald Duck Un, Quackeed Al-Zahbatta was gunned down by several guards under the command of Colonel Muamar Quackdaffi.

Quackdaffi has assumed the role as president of Battastan and he made a speech to the nation.

"I p-p-p-pledge to uphold the interests of business and create a striving society in Londonistan. We will focus on petroleum, education, enlightenment and see that our national news media of Al-Quaczeera become the most succesful in the world!" said Quackdaffi.

Donald Duck Un explained to Al-Quaczeera that he orchestrated the assassination of Quackeed Al-Zahbatta. "Al-Zahbatta was instrumental in my great-grandfather's plans for taking over Battastan and securing oil trade with Umrika. But that's not my plan. I want a modern Battastan, not an archaic one, and I want a Battastan that will be accountable to me."

The billionaire investor, known for ruling with a swift fist, left Londonistan by private jet while Quackdaffi secured himself in the statehouse.

A well educated man, Quackfdaffi joined the Mujahaquack in the early 2000s and began as an actuary. His work then caused him to be a needed front line officer and right hand man to Al-Zahbatta. Donald Duck Un came to Quackdaffi and promised him the whole country because Al-Zahbatta was too militant and old fashioned. Quackdaffi accepted and is now head of state in Battaland.

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