mercredi 20 août 2014

Scholar Has Solution for Unwed Women
Cheikh Al-Fasassi
Famous Moroccan Cheikh, Mohamed Al-Fasassi, has a solution to save all unwed women from continuing to sin and commit fitna.

According to Al-Fasassi, every woman who is unwed and over the age of 16 is living in sin. "It is a sin for a woman not to be married."

And in order to stop all these women from sinning, and in order to end the increasing number of spinsters in Morocco, this wise cheikh has a solution:

"I volunteer myself to have all unmarried women 16 years and up as my wife. Especially unmarried women between the ages of 18-25....I mean, between the ages of 16-21"

That's right, this kind and beloved cheikh is volunteering himself to be the husband to save all these women from the fiery pits of Jehinom. He is offering his heart along with accepting her dowry.

Already scores of women have volunteered, including SINA -- the popular new sensational singer -- who has recently become very religious.

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