mardi 19 août 2014

Donald Duck Un : "Goodbye, Quackmeini!"

Donald Duck Un Announces War
Donald Duck Un was filmed by the CIQuack preparing to make a speech to Pyongquack. Unbeknownst to them, the address was uploaded onto the social network stratosphere with a firm message and warning to Ayatollah Ali Quackmeini : Your end is now!

Donald Duck Un blames his great-grandfather's death (which has still not been disclosed to the citizens of Pyongquack as a nuclear malfunction) on the actions of the Ayatollah Quakcmeini.

Un stated that the Ayatollah has falsely sat in the seat of power over Battastan that rightly belongs to the Mujahaquack and Quackeed Zahbatta.

"I paid for this revolution. I tricked the Umrikans into thinking Saquack Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. I hired Quackmeini to do a job for us in Londonistan and now you betrayed my great-grandfather and me by taking over. Now it's time to say goodbye!" said Donald Duck Un in his video address.

Roughly four hours after the speech was made, North Battaland began launching long-range rockets into northern Battastan. The CIQuack also observed rocket fire coming from southern Battastan towards Londonistan.

As has been known, Donald Duck (great-grandfather of current Supreme Leader Donald Duck Un) secretly built an abundance of terrorist bases and training camps illegally in Battastan --then known as the Kingdom of Sw3ania. It is beleived that the arsenals of Quackeed Al-Zahbatta are now fighting to take over Londonistan and all of Battastan.

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