mercredi 20 août 2014

Fortune Teller Released from Prison

Why? Because she was RIGHT!
Sarena Achtouki 73
For two years, Sarena Achtouki was imprisoned. She came to the police in May of 2012 reporting that she foresaw a terrorist kaliphate arising in Syria and Iraq that would then come to Morocco.

In her attempts to warn the police of Oussane, she was laughed out and arrested for being a witch. Her trial lead to a quick conviction, and she was sentenced to 900 years in prison by a judge.

After ISIS came about to power in 2014, lawyers and police officers on the case began to remember the old fortune teller's warning. When ISIS expanded powerfully into Iraq and then made threats to come to Morocco, lawyers on the case quickly started sifting papers to find the old woman and get her out of prison.

The judge, who remembered the case, quickly signed her release and she has been offered a job with Intelligence services. Madame Achtouki has been released as instrumental in identifying the three ISIS holding cells in Morocco that police disbanded earlier this week.

Apparently, while in prison, Sarena told her cell guards that they need to warn Moroccans not to ride on any Malaysian aircraft this year. She said a large airliner would disapear without a trace, which guards laughed off as the "crazy rantings of an old woman"

Sarena does private readings for $9.99/hour

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