lundi 18 août 2014

Master Art Thief Caught at North Battaland Border

Only hours after two priceless works of art by Audubon, the most famous artist in all Battaland, was stolen police made an astonishing arrest at the border between Battaland and North Battaland.

When the Comte de Chanard handed over his passport to the border authorities, the officer in command thought it suspicious that a former member of the Quacbecois aristocracy would want to enter Pyongquack. As is customary in suspicious circumstances, the police began to search the Comte de Chanard's rolls royce.
Comte de Chanard

Much to the protest of the Comte de Chanard, the police discovered that in the back seat were two circular canisters. Inside the canisters were the two Audubon classics -- Madonna del Quactro and The Duel After The Masquerade. 

Immediately, the Comte de Chanard confessed to the crime and was taken into custody. The Comte stated that these two paintings should be his and remain in his own collection. He pleaded that the Madonna del Quactro was in fact his grandmother, and that in the painting of the Duel was his grandfather who had indeed fought and killed the other batta.

The Comte, a royalist, had contacted Donald Duck Un a time ago and made plans for self-proclaimed exile from Quacbec. Seeing the United Nations try and execute fellow royalist leader Marine LeQuac as well as His Majesty, Battalouis XVIII, the Comte feared for his safety and sought refuge outside of Battaland. But before leaving, the Comte wanted to have two paintings of personal value to his possession. Ones of his family that he wanted to pass down to the next generation.

Donald Duck Un complied, and as an accomplice, who funded the operation, had a team of master thieves steal the paintings for the Comte. Upon receiving them, the Comte prepared to cross the border into North Battaland, and there he would settle in a castle that he had already purchased from Donald Duck Un.

Comte de Chanard with Marine LeQuac (ENUF)
Unfortunately for the Comte, the police caught him just on the last --and most secure-- stretch. The comte is now in prison awaiting execution because in Battaland, the theft of art is punishable by execution.

Battaleon has commented that he will not interfere or motion to change the decision to execute the Comte de Chanard. "His title is no longer valid, and he represents a decayed and destitute monarchy never to return" stated Battaleon.

The paintings have been returned to Versailles and the Comte de Chanard will be executed within 72 hours, by guillotine. 

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