mardi 12 août 2014

Suicide Bomb Instructor Blows Himself Up

Suicide Bomb School After Accident
A suicide bomb instructor in Iraq accidentally blew himself up, as well as his class of 21 students. The school was set ablaze when the instructor self-detonated in demonstration to the class.

It is not uncommon in Iraq for there to be a suicide bombing, an occurrence that has almost made itself a daily formality. Especially within the city of Baghdad which is shared by many different ethnic groups.

Mainstream media decided to ignore the fact that Da3ch murdered thousands of Christians these last two weeks. Heartlessly allowing these children, women and men to die in silence. Most of these murders did not involve suicide bombing, but involved the rounding up of civilians and mass gunfire. Several were taken out more gruesomely, beheaded or crucified.

The fact that a school of suicide bombers has ignited and destroyed itself is reassuring somewhat. While 22 here died, each one could have had the potential of taking down hundreds of people with him. For 22 to die today, has saved many innocent lives of people just trying to put up with the growing oppression and violence of Da3ch in the Middle East.

Suicide Bomber
Unfortunately, according to Charia, the instructor will not receive any virgins for self-detonating. First, there were no innocent lives killed of civilians belonging to a different ethnicity or religion. This also invalidates the reception of virgins for the students who were exploded here. A suicide bomb instructor can still receive a part of the promised 72 virgin reward if one of his students explodes and takes innocent lives for him. However, since all the students died along with the instructor, no virgins will be issued.

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