mardi 19 août 2014

Quackeed Al-Zahbatta Captures Oil Fields

After heavy rocket fire came encroaching upon Londonistan, the militant forces of the Mujahaquack began firing off their own rockets in the south towards the oil fields of Battastan.
Mujahaquack Bombed Southern Battastan 
The offensive started after Donald Duck Un announced that the Mujahaquack is the rightful owner of the oil fields of Battastan and the seat of power in Londonistan. 

There have been no reports from Ayatollah Quakcmeini, however the Battastani Revolutionary Guard --the elite army of Ayatollah Quackmeini -- has been deployed to patrol Londonistan. 

The Mujaquackdin has been fighting with the Mujahaquack in the south, although it is reported that they have been experiencing serious casualties. The Mujaquackdin is not as well equipped as the Mujahaquack that is sponsored and funded by billionaire Donald Duck Un.

Al-Quaczeera, a newspaper known for misleading news against Battaland, has published that Ayatollah Quackmeini is victorious in the south and around Londonistan. However, the population of Londonistan is preparing for the worst as images of bombed out cities in southern Battastan are surfacing.

Quackeed Al-Zahbatta and the Mujahaquack have claimed to fully control the petroleum fields in the south of Battastan -- which was Donald Duck Un's initial goal. However, because Ayatollah Quackmeini betrayed Donald Duck, his great-grandson Un pledges "no mercy until the end"

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