mardi 19 août 2014

Londonistan Falls - Ayatollah Quackmeini Escaped!?

Londonistan, in a mess of rubble and violence, falls into the hands of the Mujahaquack. Stores are being raided and geese here are being killed. Through all this, Quackeed Al-Zahbatta emerged from hiding in the caves and is declaring outright that Londonistan now belongs to the Mujahaquack. "I am proud to announce that Battastan now is in the rightful hands of the Mujahaquack!"

Al-Quaczeera has been taken over and will now report the news as per the order of the Mujahaquack. Donald Duck Un has also flown in to Londonistan on a private jet to meet with the Mujahaquack.

Quackeed Al-Zahbatta
"I want to state how proud I am of the accomplishments of the Mujahaquack. Now begins a new day of prosperity for this country. We will free your mind of the burdens of free-speech, equality, and voting. We will give you a perfect country where you just have to obey orders."

Donald Duck Un has also issued a $3,000,000 prize on whoever finds Ali Quackmeini who is currently in hiding. His visit also involved the presence of several Umrikan petroleum tycoons that are bidding for a contract to take control and develop the petroleum fields in Battastan. Apparently, the original plan of the late Donald Duck was to use terrorism to gain control of Battastan and sell the oil rights to Umrika for energy. 

The Mujahaquack, which may appear to be more violent than the Mujaquackdin, is a lot more lenient in terms of religion and ethnicity. They will permit geese and ducks to live side by side again. They will also re-permit the use of television, radio, wheelchairs and other "zayonist" western inventions.

While Londonistan and several places in southern Battastan have faced the violence of the Mujahaquack terrorist organization, the goal now is to create a stabilized and independent republic under the control of an elect oligarchy of elites. Of course, it is very likely that billionaire Donald Duck Un is just going to use Battastan as a workforce playground for his global dreams of chaos and endless money.

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