lundi 18 août 2014

Priceless Art Heist at Versailles!

A stunning raid on Versailles last night has left police and security baffled in Quacbec.While Battaleon and all of the palace were asleep, professional thieves managed to pry their way into the palace gallery. The gallery has been opened for public audience since the overthrow of Battalouis XVI as an exhibit for the citizens of Battaland.

Madonna del Quacto
This morning, with little traces of entry and exit, two valuable oil paintings --both by the renown artist, John James Audubon-- have been snatched from their positions. The works were originally donated to the gallery by the master artist himself, and have become well known in popularity.

While there has been a notable black market for fine artwork, originating in North Battaland, such remarkable and unmistakable works of art could hardly be transported without recognition.

"These works are too famous," said museum curator Malard deJacquac, "only the black market to a private collection is where these works can end up unless police catch the assailants."

The two works stolen were the 'Madonna del Quacto' and 'The Duel after the Masquerade'. 'Madonna del Quacto' depicts a beautiful noblewoman with three companions playing in the water of a pond in a location in North America known as Quacto. The second work stolen, 'The Duel after the Masquerade' depicts two ducks in costume dueling, allegedly that they were drunk and had a fight during a masquerade (costume party).

The Duel After the Masquerade 
"Everyone knows these beautiful masterpieces. They influence us and affect us. It is a joy to see and imagine what was going on when the great Audubon painted them," expressed deJacquac.

Police are on the move to secure the airports and physical border with North Battaland, where it is known that a large market exists for valuable artwork.

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