mardi 19 août 2014

Citizens Flee from Londonistan!

Londonistanis Flee for their Lives
The Mujahaquack has pledged ultimate destruction of Ayatollah Quackmeini. The Ayatollah hands on firm in Londonistan as many citizens flee for their lives to the countryside.

Right now the rocket fire has stopped from North Battaland, but relentlessly continues from the south. The petroleum fields have been secured by the Mujahaquack. And the forces of Quackeed Al-Zahbatta are moving forward to take down Ayatollah Quackmeini.

Battaleon issued a statement condemning the rocket fire of North Battaland over Battaland airspace. He also condemned the Mujahaquack for firing rockets on civilians and in civilian areas of Battastan.

The UN issued a statement against Battaleon saying that he is oppressive to the diversity of the 3rd world. To which Battaleon demanded why the UN was doing nothing while Londonistan was being slaughtered.

Ayatollah Quackmeini has been believed to be in hiding, somewhere within Londonistan or the countryside around it. The last message from him was published in Al-Quaczeera stating that "Battaleon funded the Mujahaquack and they are not Battastanis." According to the CIQuack, the Mujahaquack is funded entirely be billionaire sponsor Donald Duck Un.

Quackeed Al-Zahbatta promised to kill all those found in Londonistan, and to capture and kill Ali Quackmeini. 

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