mardi 19 août 2014

Quackmeini Found! And Killed!

At night, while many slept, there was a rumbling in the sewers of Sirte (a village near Londonistan) in which the Mujahaquack found an unlikely goose emerging from a hole.

Footage of Quackmeini's Last Hour
Who was he? Ayatollah Ali Quackmeini. 

The Ayatollah was immediately recognized and the Mujahaquack alerted their nearby compatriots. They held Ayatollah Quakcmeini, who claimed that he did nothing wrong to the geese. He claimed that they are all under the influence of Battaleon.

In utter protest for the last bit of his life, he shouted out in shock and surprise that geese were hitting him and pushing him around. He was bloody and battered as he squawked out against the "zayonists" who were working for Battaleon.

"How can you do this? I am your Ayatollah. I freed us from Battaleon and the Zayonist Entity!" video footage shows Quackmeini saying. The Mujahaquack continue to shove him around, until one takes out a gun and shoots Quckmeini several times in his chest, killing him. His body, postmortem, was tied to the end of a car and dragged around the streets. Then, he was dragged across the highway to Londonistan where his body was presented before Donald Duck Un and Quackeed Al-Zahbatta.

In delight, the two celebrated and fireworks could be heard in the street. Ben Geeson, of Geeseal reported that "while no tear will be shed for the murderer Ali Quackmeini, no one will celebrate either. This is the passing of a cold monster, who delighted in hate, and forced his authority to cold steel upon those who did not comply".
Footage of Quackmeini's Last Hour

Quackmeini was responsible for several attacks upon Geeseal, as well as on Battaland. He created ethnic cleansing in Londonistan and was highly against modern technology claiming it was all part of a plot started by an unknown group of mythical aliens that came to control the planet known as "Zayonists".

Battaleon stated that the manner in which Quackmeini was killed was as barbaric as the manner in which Quackmeini ruled.

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