lundi 13 avril 2015

The Importance of Love

We are all humans and live at this exact moment together.

Because we function, we therefore function as one entity. Each of us side by side has a role to play in this magnificent instrument known as the Earth.

If we sour ourselves, we will sour those around us. We negatively affect the status of the energy of our world and make it negative.

However, just as easily as emitting negative energy we can initiate positive energy and allow positive thoughts to surround us.

Each positive day we live is a brick towards building a positive year. And each positive year we enjoy is a step further towards a positive life, an edifice completed with our death.

Just like how construction stops when a building is finished being built, our lives stop at our deaths. And just like how people remark at a beautifully designed building, so to will people remark at a life that has brought them alike positive happiness. 

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