mardi 14 avril 2015

Fidel Castro & One Direction Sue Hillary Clinton over Logo

A joint-action law suit was filed today by two foreign national representatives against US Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton. The two action seekers, Fidel Castro and One Direction, have teamed up to reclaim Clinton's logo as an effort of infringement of their own original ideas.

"It's just too coincidental," said Fidel Castro, "Just look at her logo. This is the Cuban flag, only re-branded for a campaign."

Castro appreciates America's more open stance towards Cuba since 2014, however, he does not appreciate the Cuban flag being used for the next Democratic presidential nominee. "I understand that Obamacrats want to have an America more like Cuba. But hey, that's our flag. Get your own!"

Likewise, another foreign group has had issues with Hillary's logo. And that group is the popular band One Direction. Stephen Arthur Burgess, Esq is representing the singers in their lawsuit and is dually licensed to practice law in both the United Kingdom and the United States.

"It does not take much to realize what's going on here," stated Burgess, "the arrow is going in 'One Direction' and let us not forget that my clients are called 'One Direction' so the answer should be clear. If her logo was a giant 'U2' then how could she not expect a lawsuit from the group 'U2' we are confident that we will win this court case."
"I'm not sure yet"

When Hillary Clinton was approached to comment on the lawsuit, she responded that she has no idea why they were suing her as a 'Presidential Candidate' because she has not decided to run yet.

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