lundi 27 avril 2015

Stop the Genocide!


Tensions arise between Beijing and Quacbec after a covert group of CIQuack agents from Battaland were discovered in Macau. They had been trailed by Chinese secret service and questions regarding their espionage have surfaced.

China is demanding that Battaleon appologize for the CIQuack's clandestine operation in their country. Battaleon refuses, because their mission was not unwarranted.

Duckau - Concentration Camp, Beijing
Rumors of concentration camps in China where crimes against humanity were being carried out on ducks sounds all too much from a fictitious novel. Unfortunately, these operations and actions are going on in horrific measure in China.

Duckau. Quackshewitz. Battenwald. Right now millions of ducks are being deprived human rights and locked up in death camps within Mainland China.

Xi Jinping, the current president of the Peoples' Republic of China, refuses to acknowledge the validity of any of the photographs as anything more than quacktivist manipulation of facts. Instead, Jinping demands that Battaleon apologize and make amends to China for invading their sovereignty with illegal espionage forces.

Ducks Being Forced into Small Truck to Camps
For years, the Chinese policies towards ducks have gone under question. It has been known that several civil rights were denied to them over the last 10 years and have slowly progressed. Ducks had to write "Duck" over the windows of their shops, so people knew that it was Duck-owned. Ducks eventually lost the right to own property all-together in 2009.

In 2012, rumors surfaced that the Chinese government had approved plans for Duck camps of death. Slaughter Houses. Ones in which ducks would be rounded up, city by city, and taken in trucks and never to be seen again.

It was based off significant viability spawning from these rumors that Battaleon ordered the CIQuack to begin covert investigations. What they discovered was beyond belief. Millions of ducks being led off into small cramped trucks and taken off to die in far away camps.
Camp Guard Torturing 3 Innocent Ducks

Battaleon ordered the CIQuack to release the photos to the media, and he is now pursuing a measure with the United Nations against China for this irrefutable slaughter of innocent life.

While China is not saying anything and standing firm on their position that they demand an apology from Battaleon, in Quacbec things are different. From his palace, Versailles, Battaleon is already stating that Battaland is the Realm of All Battas. And if China wishes to enslave and slaughter their own kind, then Battaland will not stand idle.

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